Volumetric concrete offers numerous advantages over conventional ready-mix concrete, making it a superior choice for construction projects of various scales and complexities.
Convenient On-site Mix Control: Utilizing Volumetric Mixers (VMs) empowers concrete producers with precise on-site control. Unlike ready-mix (RM) trucks, VMs enable easy adjustments in slumps and air content, accommodating changing needs without the risk of rejected batches.
Versatile Mix Design: VMs offer unparalleled flexibility by delivering multiple mix designs in a single truck. Unlike RM trucks limited to one mix, VMs cater to various site applications, adjusting strengths, slump, and air specifications without project delays.
Continuous Freshness: With VMs, concrete hydration is initiated on-site, ensuring a fresh start upon customer readiness. In contrast, RMs’ hydration begins at the batch plant and thereby susceptible to unanticipated delays (traffic and site delays). This often leads to loads “timing out” and being rejected. VMs are immune to unanticipated site delays and loads will never time out; continuous concrete freshness produced only when required will preserve concrete quality.
Accurate Quantity and Cost Control: VMs provide exact concrete volumes, minimizing wastage and shortages. Unlike RM trucks prone to over-ordering or waiting for additional loads, VMs significantly reduce costs by delivering the required volume of concrete, with unused materials easily stored on the truck.
Environmentally Responsible: Utilizing VMs minimizes concrete waste and reduces the number of trucks required to fulfill orders, thus reducing the carbon footprint and contributing to environmental preservation.
Remote Location Suitability: VMs outperform RM trucks in remote locations, preserving concrete quality by batching only when needed. VMs avoid the setbacks of long delays faced by RMs, maintaining durability and strength without compromising set times.
Efficient for Diverse Projects: VMs efficiently cater to small to large residential, commercial, industrial/infrastructure, and institutional projects. They shine when servicing small jobs across multiple sites and extended timelines, without compromising concrete quality regardless of site delays.
Experience the Future of Concrete: Embrace the advantages of Volumetric Concrete for your project. Contact us today to enhance quality, efficiency, and sustainability for your construction project needs, large or small.