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At CeMix Concrete, we are committed to not only delivering an exceptional service to customers throughout Southern Ontario, but we are also dedicated to preserving our environment. The use of volumetric concrete offer many advantages over ready-mix concrete in reducing our overall carbon footprint.

Our volumetric concrete process offers the following environmental advantages:

1. Minimized Concrete WasteVolumetric Concrete (VM) ensures efficient usage by producing only the necessary amount of fresh concrete required, reducing waste significantly when compared to Ready Mix Concrete (RMC). This significantly reduces costs for contractors, clients, and suppliers as payment aligns with production, and there’s less excess concrete requiring disposal.

2. Reduced Load Rejections VM’s on-site mixing approach prevents loads from timing out and being rejected, unlike RMC where hydration initiates at the batch plant. VM provides better mix control, adjusting slumps or air contents without risking rejected loads, which is more common with RMC.

3. Fewer Trucks RequiredWhile RMC trucks can only accommodate one mix at a time, one VM truck can deliver multiple mixes on a single trip, accommodating diverse site requirements. This flexibility minimizes the number of trucks needed, streamlining operations, and reducing road congestion.

4. Efficient Delivery & Emission ReductionVM trucks eliminate the need to return to the batch plant for reloading, unlike RMC trucks. This reduces travel distances, time, and trucks on the road, contributing to lowered carbon emissions.

5. Lower Energy Consumption VM’s on-site blending using a small truck mounted auger eliminates the need for central batch plants, conserving electrical and fuel energy costs compared to RMC which require a central batch plant to blend the materials together.

6. Water Conservation VM requires significantly less water for equipment washout—about 40L (10 gallons) compared with up to ~750L (200 gallons) for RMC drum mixers—according to the Canadian Standards Association (CSA Group) standards.

7. Utilization of GUL and Slag Cement Both VM and RMC incorporate General Use Limestone (GUL) cement, which contains 10% higher limestone filler content than general use (GU). Additionally, mixes can integrate a certain percentage of slag cement, a steel industry by-product, enhancing strengths, pumpability, durability and slow concrete set times.


Want to learn more about our sustainability initiatives? Contact us today and speak with an in-house concrete expert!


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